Saturday, December 31, 2011

HAPPY 2012

Just finished this piece , w/ my pal P .WILLIS and wanted to say : Happy New Year to all around the globe, and thanks for checking my blog ......Enjoy 2012 and lets take better care of one another.....ONE LOVE

From E 20
Krest One

Monday, December 5, 2011

E 20 XMAS MURAL 2011

So it's that time again , for myself and mope 1 to display our love for our hood w/ this "PEACE ON EARTH" xmas mural. This is only our 2nd time to do a xmas mural; but it's lots of fun , and we always get great feedback from our neighbors. Hope you all enjoy , and have a happy holiday season. Stay tuned for the happy new year mural to come next........Krest 1 By the way , if anyone is interested in having a mural painted, of any subject matter: call Troy at 615-796-3436 or email at